Monday, June 15, 2015

Once Upon A Time in a Land Not So Far Away...

Once Upon A Time in a Land Not So Far Away...

There lived this woman who did HCG and Loved her results! She got to one of her goal weights and was feeling so good about herself! Then she quit her job to pursue her home based business/art. This was an Awesome Decision and one she would never regret! But there comes a time in a girls life when she's not paying attention to her physical being as much as she's paying attention to her business.

One day she looks in the mirror and see's that she's let the view become distorted. She's gained 15 pounds of that hard earned weight loss back. So she thinks to herself. I've got this. But in all reality she doesn't. She had forgotten the way of the clean eating lifestyle and set herself up for disappointment when she gained another 5 pounds back. And then a pound here and a pound there. Finally ending up way back where she started.

Yep! That woman is me. I did that to myself. I was all gung-ho about getting back into my next round that when I started and failed I just gave up.

The second round started off with a great 7 pound loss and ended up with my being hungry all the time and only thinking about food. Food Food FOOD! Not apples, chicken or steak. But Whipped Cream and Cookies! I was dreaming and daydreaming about that crap!!! Anyway, one cookie lead to another and BAM! No more HCG round. But I was ok with that because lets face it. I couldn't control my mind what makes me think I could control my mouth. Not to mention I was at a comfortable weight.

That was before the Christmas From Hell!!! I kid you not. It was absolute hell and we're not going to go there. ;) Let's leave the past in the past and move on.

Well, needless to say the Christmas Hell brought me full circle back to my old habits and straight into my old pants. Not a good feeling when I've already taken all of them to the secondhand shops. Yep. I had to break down and buy larger shirts and pants.

This is what happens when you don't follow P3 or P4 properly OR when you ignore those couple pounds. Don't skip those stages just because you're at your goal weight. The weight WILL come back! AND with a FATTY VENGEANCE!!! I kid you not! Look at my before and after photos. They're friggen backwards. It's supposed to be fat to skinny not skinny to fat.


You know, I do have to say that HCG does work! It works if you follow the protocol all the way through to the end of P4. I did it before! That's how I stayed under 200 for over 4 years. Just so you know after that first round I got under the 200 mark and was happy. Very happy. I kept it off and ate what I wanted. Moderation was definitely the key. But I could have cookies and ice cream and not think twice. It was the subsequent round where I wanted to drop from 190 to a much slimmer me. The me that I know is in there. When I didn't follow the protocol after failing my third round that's what messed everything up. I went back to my old habits with a jacked up system that didn't know that it wasn't supposed to hold onto the fats etc. 

So here I sit today with a much larger ass-pect on this process. ;) Pun fully intended here. 
I'm currently on my second day of loading (R3P1D2 ~ Yes, I'm officially calling this round three even though I did a round three in October of last year that only lasted 2 weeks. I think I can consider that a Non-Round round. Don't you agree?) 
I'm doing injections that I purchased through NuImageMecical. I weighed in at 189.1 on D1 and this morning I'm at 190.0 so I've gained 0.9 pounds so far. It's not a large gain because frankly I was nauseous all day yesterday. Might be the HCG. I did eat and drink...just not that well. 

Today I started off with my morning dose of HCG followed by my daily drink of MSM and Powder C. Now I'm sitting down with my morning cup of tea. I drink tea every morning now that I quit drinking coffee. I drink a mock london fog. I drink Earl Grey with Vanilla Stevia and some Almond Milk. Truly I love it with soy as well. But definitely not with milk any longer. It's not a lactose thing, I just don't like the taste of milk anymore. Haven't for years. As far as my MSM and Powder C drink goes, I just mix a scoop of Powder C in a small wine glass with water then add a heaping spoon of MSM and stir until it looks good enough to drink. Sometimes it dissolves easily other times it doesn't. I have to be honest! This is the most bitter drink evah! Glech! But the bitter goes away quite quickly once it's down. 

Ok so here are today's photos. No makeup, no softening of the skin via editing. It's the Real Deal Baby!!!


Ok, so several comments. Notice my bulgy sides and belly? That was gone before. And look at my thighs. That bulge at the apex? That was gone too. My arms were much slimmer as well. 
Oh! But! Hey!!! My hair is longer!!! :) 

Ok, enough for today. I've got to hit the torch! Those beads don't make themselves!
~ xoxo ~

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