Saturday, June 20, 2015

NSAID's are Killing Us Silently!!!

I woke up this morning in pain like I do often. I have a shoulder injury that was caused by an Allegiant agent while I was working at our local airport. I have permanent damage and will always have pain whether mild or severe. The injury is in my shoulder which throws my back and neck into spasms or gives me tight muscles etc. The list really goes on to include constant headaches and migraines. It's nuts! But there is nothing that can be done except pain management.

My doctor(s), yes there are a few, prescribe methocarbamol, naproxin, hydrocodone, some migraine pills, some nerve blockers, and take ibuprofen as well.

Well, since I quit work I quit taking everything but the ibuprofen. My husband and kids were all over me about taking so many pills and what they could eventually do to my body.  They argued that since I was going to have to live with my injury for the rest of my life I should learn how to deal with the pain on my own.

My cousin was in a major car accident and has lots of musculoskeletal pain and has tossed out all his pain meds too because of the damage they can cause. I figured if he can deal with his pain on his own I could too. So I did. I tossed them in the bottom drawer and haven't looked a them since...All but the ibuprofen. I had to have something!!!

Well, today I woke up in pain and came straight out from my hot shower still aching. Not an ouch, that hurts but, but an if I have to move anymore today I'm going to cry pain. It's frustrating. So I headed to my trusty tiny bottle of ibuprofen (I used to buy the costco size) and grabbed my 4 tablets. 4 tablets equals 800mg. It's my regular dose. As I was getting ready to pop those babies in my mouth my husband says "What are you doing?"

Really? I'm in pain and I need relief. So as he's trying to get my attention about not taking ibuprofen because of all the complications that are being buried etc etc. I down them.

He's still going on and sits down at the computer saying something about being on the phone with someone Australian while at work, but can't go into it because it's work stuff, and pulls up these websites that show the complications caused by NSAID's that have been buried or washed over.

This is a huge list and it's terrifying! I'm shocked and now worried about what I've done to my body.

I know I've had a few symptoms on that list ~ gastro issues, bp issues etc. AND in one of the articles it states that "this is not just a problem associated with chronic treatment." In other words take it once in a while and you will still be doing harm.

Or THIS ONE It's where I got the photo above.

It's one of the most eye opening articles. There are more. So many more articles and studies that will blow you away!!!

Needless to say I'm tossing the ibuprofen and clearing out my bottom drawer of my meds and going to his naturopath this week. Maybe if I stop now it will help my body to fix what damage I've done already. Fingers Crossed!!!

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