Friday, June 19, 2015

OMG Becky! Look At Her Butt...

I have a Big Butt and I Cannot Lie! etc etc etc...

I can definitely go on and on but all I want to do is shake my rear like Cameron Diaz does in Charlie's Angels. Except it's really not as cute. My kids say it's kinda scary and that I'm freaking them out. LOL I definitely do it anyway just because of that reason! Gotta get it in before they leave home right? Because after that I'll probably be using a walker and embarrassing them is going to be in a way different category. ;) I'm assuming anyway.

Ok back to my butt! Yep! that's the subject for today. My big ass-pect. Pun is always intended when ass is used in any word or phrase.

The last time I did HCG and got down to my lowest...this is before I gained all my weight back... I lost my big butt. Literally. Saggy rear all the way. I've never felt my butt skin touch my thigh skin before so it kinda freaked me out. It didn't look bad. It was just an odd feeling. It's normal for your arms to touch your sides but not butt skin to touch thigh skin in a folding manner, for me at least.

This sagging skin is part of what I fret over with the results of loosing so much weight. I have what I call chicken tenders on the back of my shoulder area just above the bra line. These were still there last time but oh so much smaller. But my arms!!! They waved and were saggy. So were my thighs. You know when you lay down on your back to sunbath and you bend your knees up? My skin sagged down noticeably, to me that is.

The whole point of this diet is to feel better in my skin. To feel healthier. Sagging skin is a thing that makes me not feel so comfortable in my skin. I found out that I'm not alone.

While doing research on what I can do besides have it removed surgically. There have been reports that using MSM helps not only for sagging skin but wrinkles on your face. Wrinkles?!!! Yep. Wrinkles. I noticed that with the weight loss I also saw wrinkles on my face that I didn't have before because of my plump features. ;)

So to avoid this happening this time or to lessen it as it's bound to happen because my skin is stretched from holding all that fat in for safe keeping I've started a morning and night regimen of taking MSM and Powder C. I started this 2 weeks before I started this round of HCG.

I'm not going to lie to you...This stuff is BITTER! But as fast as it is bitter with a drink of water it's gone like that! Like you never had it in your mouth to begin with.

The best way I've found is to do it in a shot. 1 scoop of Powder C and 1 heaping spoon of MSM in a small amount of water and stir. Get it all floating and shoot that sucker! Then use the same cup for water.

You have to make sure you drink lots of water when you're taking this stuff as it's removing toxins from your body. As you release toxins the water will help you eliminate it from your body. Yep you're going to need a large amount water for HCG so you'll pee a LOT this works in your favor. Because while you need water for MSM you're already going to be drinking it for HCG. Win Win right?! :)

They say that  you're supposed to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. I read somewhere that this counts for tea too. I'm an iced tea and hot tea drinker so this is perfect! Water/Tea are really all that I drink. I can't remember the last time I had coffee or anything else drink like that wasn't water or tea. I cannot stomach soda pop so I don't drink it.

How was that for rambling on about saggy skin and msm? I should probably share with you my daily HCG stats!

Today I woke up to a small 1/2 lb loss. BUT that's still Awesome because the scale is still going in the right direction. Small losses are still BIG!!!

Yesterday was a big loss of 2.7lbs.

So if you add my gain of 1.5
my VLCD1 loss of 2.5
and VLCD2 loss of 2.7
with VLCD3 loss of .5
you get a nice 4.2 pounds so far!

Remember this is in 3 days. 3 days!!! So imagine what tomorrow and the next day and the day after that will bring.

More Awesome Results!

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