Monday, January 13, 2014

Busy Hands...Do they really Work? And a P2 "Cookie" Recipe!

Have you ever heard of keeping your hands busy so you stay away from the cookie jar? Or just anything you can get said hands onto?

I think I found a flaw... No I'm serious! I think it only works when you don't have children and a husband around to ask for and make oatmeal craisin cookies with white chocolate chips piled high! So even though my hands were seriously busy making various creations of Awesomeness I kept finding myself grabbing cookies on my way from heaven only knows where up to my studio. Then again when I was on my way out to my glass shop I looked down and wouldn't you know it! Hands full of cookies again! FLAW! I was so totally busy today and yesterday. But apparently I was also totally busy eating every stinking cookie in sight too! LOL

"Queen Bee" Vintage Glass Shadowbox Stained Glass Pendant 
Proof that I was indeed busy making things not just eating cookies!

BACK to my theory. I think that if we have busy hands that the other hands in the house cannot be busy making delicious cookies at the same time. That needs to go down in the Rule Book. Don't you think? 

So how does this work for HCG? Not so good. No Cookies while on HCG. It's very important! 
This poses a question for P2 HCG and Treats...
Is a meringue cookie ok on P2?

If you're allowed to have eggs occasionally on P2 then it would be easy to assume you could have meringues. Right? RIGHT! If you're needing a quick cookie fix the meringue might be your go to treat now and again. 

Egg whites are about 15 calories each. With the yolk they are 80 calories. Remember that if you eat a whole egg that there is fat in those yellow beauties! That's why it's suggested in Pounds and Inches to only eat them occasionally. (It also says to add the whites of 3 eggs to make a protein.)

There are 8 calories in cream of tartar & 1.8 carbs.

So have cookies...of sorts...Meringue Cookies! 

Meringue recipe for P2
3 Egg whites
1/8tsp Cream of Tartar
1/2tsp Vanilla Extract.
(This is where you can use your Vanilla flavored Stevia. Use it to taste...Don't eat raw eggs. But use your knowledge of your Stevia. For me I use vanilla and then powdered stevia from Trader Joes.)
4-6 packets Stevia (I use 6 because I like them sweet!)
*Now you can add your flavor:
*Lemon Zest
*Cocoa Powder
*Even Orange!
You could even use your flavored Stevia Drops in place of the Stevia and Vanilla.
The possibilities are endless for variety! 

Heat oven to 300
Whip egg whites and cream of tartar and Vanilla/Stevia until fluffy stiff peaks are formed. Then fold in your flavor if you chose to use cocoa powder, lemon zest etc. 

Now if you use the powder stevia you will mix them in with the egg mix after they have formed soft peaks. Then whip until they have formed stiff peaks. Then fold in your flavor.

Use a teaspoon to drop little dollops onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and then back for 25-30 min. 

That's It! :) Enjoy!
I'll have to take a photo of my Meringues to share with you! Recipes are great but they're even better when you can see what you're making. ;) Let me know how you like your meringues!

Man I wish February would hurry and get here! I can't wait to start my next round of HCG. We decided that it might be better to wait until after our Birthday to start. You know, Birthday Cake...I don't know why I love the stuff but I do! 

Have a Great Week Guys! I've got something good to share with you next week!

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