Saturday, September 7, 2013

HCG R2D2 Still Loading

Looks weird doesn't it? It's not a Star Wars thing. It actually stands for Round 2 Day 2.

Tomorrow will be even crazier! It will be the beginning of my very low calorie portion of this round. So the acronym will look like this~ R2VLCD1 ~meaning Round 1 Very Low Calorie Day 1. There are a gazillion more acronym's that go with this program and I'm still learning them. As I do I'll share them with you.

What is loading you ask? Well, for HCG you do 2 days of high calories/fats to saturate your system and help you in the transition from the high calorie/fats diet you usually eat to the very restricted 500 calorie low fat diet you're going to be living with for the next couple months.

Some people do what is called clean loading. Most of those people are prior HCGer's and have done a couple rounds before and have used the maintenance phase to adapt their eating lifestyle to a low or no wheat, sugar, carbs and fat diet. (Diet~ remind me to find a different more positive word to use in place of that 4 letter word.) When they load they do more of a high nuts and fiber loading than a loading phase that has all the Oh So Yummy but Oh So Bad for you things like Cupcakes with lots of delicious frosting. Bet you can't guess where my taste buds are leading me today.

Anyway, as far as how my first day of loading went, I'd say it went deliciously! I actually ate a sub sandwich! Yes you heard me right! I ate BREAD!!! OMG! Yes, it was delicious! But oh how my tummy hurt. Oh and there were cookies!!! Oatmeal Chocolate Chip! Yummy! Oh how my tummy hates me today. But settle down tummy...The second day of loading has arrived and there are still cookies left in that jar AND pizza pockets in the oven!

I don't know if I'm doing my psyche more harm by eating all these yummy treats or if my tummy is taking the beating for naught. We'll see...

Did I gain any weight with the loading phase? Yes, I've gained a pound. But the cool thing is, is that the single pound I added will be gone in a matter hours when I start the VLCD phase tomorrow.

Right now those pizza bites are done and I need to run my youngest to the mall to meet his girlfriend for a double date at the movies!

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